Diamond Cutters: Poetry Anthology £23 includes P+P UK only
£23 Paperback 392 pages price includes p+p UK only
Edited by Andrew Harvey:
author of 30 books including 'A Journey in Ladakh' and 'The Celebration of Rumi' and founder/director of the Institute of Sacred Activism
and poet Jay Ramsay:
author of 35 books, most recent poetry collection, 'Monuments' from Waterloo Press, UK; poetry editor 'Caduceus' magazine.
'Diamond Cutters' brings together the work of 42 English and American visionary poets (including some of mine), not all of them still living. Some of the better known names are Robert Bly, David Gascoyne, Kathleen Raine.
All of them write poetry that, in Jay's words: "stands against the compromise of our authentic selves ..and joins our refusal to be inauthentic which is the mass movement of our time, refined in the form that Andrew has named .. as 'sacred activism'. The real poetry of our time is just that, written and lived."
The publishers are Tayen Lane, based in California.